Thursday, 21 March 2019

Focus On Continuous Improvement

Six Sigma Focus on Continuous Improvement

At the time of the oil embargo, the market for small cars took off with gas stations lined up with drivers.

It is always good to focus on the process involved and make use of statistics to understand the process and also minimize the variation around the target. This holds very real in the current scenario. We have equipment that are complex in nature and data that is available everywhere, but the basic ideas regarding quality still provide value.

Being on the field for long, you are most likely to come across terminologies like quality circles, total quality management, Six Sigma and lean. This may seem more like a distraction, but in reality, it betters the quality by drawing more attention.

Also, you might end up doing wrong to your company if you ignore trends. If you have an insular approach to work, then you will not get any improved result. You are required to look beyond your comfort zone to get the best of what you want. Hence, this article will help you improve your business and also give you inspiration for the quality program.

1. Focussing On Quality Principles

There have been a lot of changes since the quality revolution. Before the quality revolution, there was a lot of sampling, but post that, sampling has been replaced by process control.

Also, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD & T) has gathered a lot of attention in recent times. People are making more use of it now, although it is not a new technology. Also, there is an ongoing trend, where companies are going back to basics. Over the last year, there has been a lot of focus on the core quality engineering principles which had been ignored for many years.

Along with core ideas, there has been proper data collection and analysis. There are differences in quality trends across the country. The quality improvement is more about operational efficiency in the Detroit area while in the West, it is more on the speed of the performance.

2. Six Sigma

Six Sigma improves the quality program. If you finish your sentence with Six Sigma, then you will gather the attention of the entire management.

Many say Six Sigma is over; however, that is not the case. Most people saw lean Six Sigma as a gateway to growth within their profession. They moved towards what they thought was more comfortable because they did not know much about statistics. However, Lean Six Sigma although easier to implement doesn’t actually better the bottom line. On the other hand, Six Sigma helps you listen to the process. It has brought structure to the process of improvement.

SKILLOGIC Institute is providing Six Sigma Certification and Training in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune and Delhi. Choose classroom version for better learning.

3. Looking At The Future

In the future, it has been predicted that there will be more of data analysis and predictive analysis. However, the rules of management engagement will continue to exist and be applied. Most of the quality movement fail because of poor management engagement. There is an old saying: "never waste a good crisis." At the time of crisis, says a recall or warning letter, change is easy. What's difficult is that when there is no crisis, you need to drive change.

If companies start looking beyond their comfort zones, they will do good even without a crisis. It is essential to look at other companies and industries, as it provides you with a competitive advantage to study the trends whether it is quality or compliance related item. 

4. Next Big Thing

Many people are out there guessing what the next big thing could be and whether it already exists or not. It is difficult to say what will follow after Lean Six Sigma as Sigma was developed as a comprehensive collection of tools.

It is important to note that in recent times, importance has been given to quality and there is a need to integrate it into the corporate culture. There is a rising need to change our perception of quality being ‘good' or ‘okay' to ‘excellent' or ‘outstanding.'

Hyderabad is one of the potential city for six sigma jobs. Choose Six Sigma Classroom Training in Hyderabad if you are looking for Jobs on Six sigma in Hyd.